Archive for 'cats'

You Want ___ .

Dante, a tabby female cat expressed, “Books teach a lot. The heart teaches more. Frustrations come from not being true to yourself.  When your feet are on the ground and you feel you are high on a mountain, you want______.” (Finish the sentence.)

When you state your desires out loud or in writing, you attain energy and give life to creativity, and turn your goals and wishes into reality.

A few statements:

* I would want to fly with the angels and feel as light as air and pain free………aaaaahhhh ..Amen Dante

* When my feet are on the ground and I feel like I’m high on my mountain, I want: To be a loving presence to every being I meet, to the land in every place I go, and in every situation I encounter. Obviously a lifelong work in progress 🙂 but it’s good to have goals, and this is one I hold dear.   Thank you for your newsletters and inspiration.    Many blessings, Julie Payne-Funk * Fly!

* Enlightenment. That is what I want in this lifetime.

* Nothing…..Melissa Sue Olvitt

One-Month-Old Kitten

My husband John and I were staying in a hotel on our way to Indiana for a family reunion to celebrate my mother’s 85th birthday. The next morning a voice message on my cell phone said, “This is Stacy, I am up, you can reach me.” I had not sent a text or voice message that night or the day before, and had no idea who Stacy was.

After calling Stacy I discovered I knew her. Good memories of spending time at her home and at my son’s home came flooding back. She explained she had received a text from me the night before which came from my 540 phone number saying, ”Are you up?” My 540 number is my land line which I cannot text from, plus I was not at home to text if it were possible. Since her text was not accepted she retrieved my 703 cell number from my home line voice message. When she called my cell with no answer, she left her voice message, “I am up, you can reach me.”

My first thought was, “What is going on in your life Stacy?” She returned, “Well, since I have you, I just rescued a one-month-old kitten where I work with health issues. My friends think I should put the kitten down.”  We addressed the physical issues with the kitten. She had a chance of survival, but the quality of life for this kitten was questionable. I also asked if Stacey would be able to manage the care of a baby kitten, with feedings, and dealing with extreme health issues. Stacy had other challenging relationships she was dealing with and a full time job. A thought popped into my head – ask Stacy if she would like to address what this kitten was reflecting in her own life.  A big “Yes” returned.

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Life, by Zeus

 “Life, do you know what it is?” When I heard this statement I asked, “Who is this?’ Zeus, a cat I know in spirit came forward then said, “YOU are loved dearly, perfect in your individuality. Life is an experience which brings understanding into who we, at each moment, believe we are. Enjoy life, eternal, constantly evolving. You are about to evolve very soon. Chin up… is the way to navigate.”    Then poof… he was gone.

Healing Power of Purr

Much has been said about the purr from a feline. A few comments I have heard are – he is purring because he is happy, she is purring because she loves me, purring helps her feel better, and the list goes on. Recently my brother Dan emailed me an article on research devoted to animal acoustical sounds to investigate the very fundamental question of exactly why cats purr.  It is a long read yet worth the time.

Dr. David Williams, the American medical researcher, biochemist and chiropractor, recently wrote about some fascinating research from the Fauna Communications Research Institute in Hillsborough, North Carolina, a group devoted to animal acoustical sounds, who decided to investigate the very fundamental question of exactly why cats purr.

Survival mechanism

Although most of us believe cats purr to give voice to joy or contentment, cats also purr when they are under stress – when they are caged, or injured, or even during the rigors of birth.

In these circumstances, it stands to reason that purring was invented for a larger purpose than just happy noises. Purring, a sound involving both the larynx and the diaphragm requires a lot from a cat.

As the Fauna researchers put it: ‘When was the last time you heard someone singing, or humming to themselves . . .when they were in the emergency room with a broken leg? The purr has to be somehow involved with survival.’

After recording the purring of all manner of cats, from domestic cats to cheetahs and ocelots at the Cincinnati Zoo, the researchers discovered something untoward. The dominant frequency for all the big and small cats besides the cheetah was 25 Hz or 50 Hz – the same frequencies that are optimal for bone growth or repair – although cats seem to be able to ramp up the range to 140 Hz.

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A Win Win

Recently I had a communication with a witty draft horse named Kate.  Her first comment to her new person, Linda, was:  Ready for some fun?  Kate had little experience of the outside world, which in turn gave her an air of innocence.  She spoke of wanting to freely explore the woods and pastures around her new home.  But Kate was not grasping the human element of putting a bridle and saddle on her to do so.  In Kate’s case, learning teamwork and trusting her new person would bring the adventures she was wanting, and would be safer than running about on her own.

Kate’s background was not all roses.  She had worn a heavy painful halter for several years.  Her face showed wear and indentations from the leather straps.  Now with this painful thing off her head, she did not want anyone with anything near her face.  Linda understood Kate. With love and patience, and implementing techniques to help Kate accept the saddle and bridle, Kate’s urge to explore the property around her would be possible.

The minute Linda set eyes on a big spotted draft horse running across a field to meet her, she knew, this was the horse for her. And now, Kate had a home where she was lovingly cared for, and the love her Kate returned was profoundly appreciated.

Linda has been practicing Zen meditation for many years.  She understood the importance of living a rich life, fully, in each moment―which a horse understands.  Kate’s nature of having fun would support Linda, who admitted she was greatly in need of fun, plus yearned to explore their property as much as Kate did. For Kate and Linda, it was a―win-win.

Did you know embracing joy and having fun brings such goodness into our lives?  It seems to make the boogie man go away and dissolve the unwanted, perhaps controlling past.  I invite you to play and laugh today…and every day.

Head or Heart

Zeus is the Father of Gods. In Greek mythology he was the God of sky and thunder and the King of the Gods who oversaw the universe. In Hesiod’s Theology, Zeus assigns the various Gods their roles.

A tabby cat now in the heavenly realms carries the qualities of the God Zeus. And how apropos, his name is Zeus.

A planned communication was set with Barb, Zeus’s person, with the intent of speaking with the cats living in her home. Before I could speak with Barb’s other cats, the Great Zeus popped in and said (in typical Zeus style): “I’m a little dot in the universe, but without me, the other dots wouldn’t be complete. He then explained when one connects the dots we create a picture, similar to the children’s connect the dot book puzzles.  When all of the dots are connected, life changes with a perspective we are all one and powerful together creating a whole.  We are not separate.”

Zeus then presented a conundrum. “If we put our head somewhere else on our body, would we use it in a different way?”  Mystified, followed with an outburst of laughter, we questioned his message.  So Zeus reworded the question and said, ”Pretend your head is on your side; where will you focus first now?”  Barb humorously stated:  I hope I don’t bump my head into anything.  Barb was completely stumped; she had no idea whatsoever how to answer that one!  I added that he wanted us to go first to the heart and feel, not think our way through life.  Typically, when we look at people we look at their head first, which was Zeus’s way of saying we think or analyze first.  Physically with the head gone, our heart is next in line. Look first at others with the feeling of love, and use one’s feelings of goodness for resolutions.

Zeus then stated, “Barb has enough to reflect on for now.”

Barb ended the session with, “And that’s the question for the day!!  The Great Oz has spoken.”

I found Zeus’s idea of putting the head physically someplace else on the body, brilliant. But then he is a God!  He made a strong and very important point…Start with the heart.  The color of the heart chakra is green.  Green means go, go with the heart.  When bombarded with advice, peer pressure and more, many do what they have been conditioned to do, what they are told to do, or should do.  I should do this or I should do that!  This is when one of those icky feelings comes through which is not aligned with your authentic self.  To go through the heart for direction, doing what brings joy; life takes on a new paradigm.  Side effects are: we feel good, have more energy, our wants of life seem to magically align and when in depression we bounce out of it.  Life is easier when we trust our higher guidance and it is always there for us.  And this is done how?  Through what feels good!

David Brown who channels Kryon shared these words:  Your heart is the new mind of the new age.  For more information go to:

In Sacred Space newsletter, Toni Elizabeth Sac’h Petrinovich shared in one of her videos that your heart is the voice of your soul.  When one listens to the heart it says do this with out reason.  For more

Zeus…you are indeed a god.  In Hesiod’s Theology, Zeus assigns the various Gods their roles.  Let’s rise to the occasion!  The role is to be happy, to be true to whom? You fill in the blank_____________.

Chester Black Cat

He came running across my mother’s yard from the corn field the day after my father’s memorial. The grandkids named him Chester Black after their grandfather, James Chester Page. Originally my father’s name was Chester James, until his grandfather asked his grandson to change his first name to James, after him. Father’s reward was $10. For a young boy, it seems to me, it would take courage to change one’s given first name, yet father did. He bought a new bicycle giving him freedom to travel the country roads.

In life, some things may look certain, yet are they?

The grandkids carried Chester Black around their necks, held him like a baby, and came running when called. He told me he was a good mouser. I responded with a “thumbs up” attitude, and to show proof, would help his cause in staying. The next day a mouse was found by the front porch.

After family left, my mother and I, mostly I, were now attending to Chester Black’s needs. He was de-wormed, given quality cat food, and on a daily basis I worked with him to maintain his gentle nature. My mother thought he was sent to her for a reason. But as the days went by, mother could not endear herself to Chester Black. She was perplexed why not, until a light went on in her head. Throughout her life she had been a caretaker of elderly people and five children. She did not want more responsibility, including the needs of a cat.

With mother’s found understanding, I told Chester Black we were going to plan B, to find him another home. Chester Black Cat stayed calm and collected with this information. In fact, he helped me when I became concerned about his future, and continued to purr.

A few days later, Tracey, a childhood neighbor friend, spoke of her mother Treva, and how she wanted an animal to love and could use a good mouser. I believe Chester Black knew this, for I found a mouse at the back door on the deck where Treva would be sitting later that day.

When Treva sat in her chair I boasted of Chester Black’s catch. At that moment Chester Black came from the shrubs, walked past my mother and me over to Treva, and jumped into her lap. He purred and kneaded with his shiny black paws without using his claws. Treva petted and cooed. Chester jumped down, walked over to my mother, rubbed against her, licked her foot, and gave her a look of goodbye. He then sauntered back to Treva and jumped back into her lap. He turned his head, our eyes met, and in that second he brought me back to when he told me life works out when you let it.

Treva took Chester Black home that day. He now resides down a lane with barns to explore and mice to catch. Treva is madly in love and Chester Black is one happy cat.

Mother had been saying “yes” to others most of her life. All said to her this is the perfect cat for you, and was brought to her at a time and way that seemed magical. And it was, but not in the way we expected. Chester Black gave Mother an opportunity to say “no” to others, and “yes” to herself. This act took courage. Mother has always been a yes person. My spry mother at 83 years old now has her freedom to travel the road she chooses, and Chester Black found his perfect home.

In life, some things may look certain, yet are they?

Chester Black expresses:  Be true to you, with faith, and life will be better than your own expectations. Mouse anyone?

A while back I was in a communication with a lady who took in a young dog needing a home 17½ years ago.  The dog asked his person why she took him in. The short version―others thought she should. It took six years for them to bond and become friends. He told her at that time in her life she believed life was difficult, and so he fulfilled her belief system.

My mother at one time attracted those that were in need or needing tending to, and enjoyed doing so. But now she realizes she is ready for a change. Are you?

In these times paying close attention to animals, nature and our instincts is important on many levels―particularly when it does not seem to make sense.

Happy is Happy and Sad is Sad

Happy is happy and sad is sad.  One cannot fool an animal which one you are.  I have heard many say, I’m fine, okay, I am making my way.  This is not truly happy. Happy is a state of the mind. And it is possible to be happy in spite of what one is experiencing or sees.

A terrier named Scout said, “Keep doing it (being happy) — you will get it and it will be close to the way of life I like to live innately. We mirror you because you are the ones we look up to, and it is our job to show you who you truly are being. We are also the ones who are trying to show you it is important to be happy. It is simple:  To be happy is active, not passive. Also, happiness is not always what “you” thought happy would be for you….following innate happiness can lead one to something better than you thought it could be.”

Pearls of Wisdom

An eleven year old Rhodesian Ridge Back gave good advice to her person wanting to fix her married son’s life.  “Giving people pearls of wisdom is good. Making them eat it is not!”  As I held back the laughter my client grew quiet.

How many can put their hands up on giving advice?

Her Rhodesian Ridge Back then gave her a helping paw. “Listen and ask questions to the son to stimulate his own thinking to support him in finding the answers that suit him best.”

Nectar or Negativity

As I walked through my neighborhood, a buzzing sound brought my attention to a flowering tree filled with fragrance. Bees were enjoying sweet flowing nectar. Symbiotic, bees enjoying tree’s gift, and tree enjoying bee’s gift of song and pollination, a sweet relationship. My mind spirals… to be like a bee, to simply be. Simplicity brings the state of being to me.

In the state of being, one is aware of and is naturally drawn to sweetness. Like a bee to nectar, allow one’s self to be drawn to a sweet life.

I no longer pay attention to lack or troubles from the media or people. Why? One begins believing the messages they fed us and begins living that life.  It is our choice….eat of nectar or negativity.

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