Archive for 'animal communication'

Herding Flies

I looked toward the window, there were thick black spots covering the glass.

It appeared be a sheet of flies grasping to the warm window.

In that moment I recalled a time when a friend of mine was annoyed by the buzzing of flies in her “space”, reached for a fly swatter and began the process of elimination, at the same time stating the words “ Go to Jesus”. While it was a bit of an entertaining ritual to observe, it was not my path of choice. Life is Life in any form.

I walked to the window with the intention of a peaceful negotiation “flies be gone”. I held strong with my intent. I visualized them taking their herd and moving on down the road, out the door and back into the great outdoors.

And so it was! It happened exactly the way I envisioned it. In that moment my husband said “I have never seen anyone herd flies before”. We laughed and yet embraced the moment of empowerment with the correct intention.


An unhappy client shared her heart was empty. Sally’s constant giving of herself had drained her. She believed if she gave of herself to others they would give back, which would then fill her heart. Louis, Sally’s 6-year-old Yorkie, came to my thoughts full force, expressing, “Don’t give your heart away. It is yours. Let your heart guide you, what feels good and comfortable. When giving from “God Love, Universal love” with no expectations of return from individuals or circumstances, this love fills both hearts. Allow the heart to be its full potential, to glow and feel good to guide and support in ways the logic mind cannot comprehend.”  If the heart says don’t give, it is of utmost important not to give. The Heart knows best. The heart talks through feelings.”

A light went off in Sally’s head. She quickly understood the importance of boundaries and trusting her heart. And, because people ask or want of her, does not mean she has to give, give, give. A belief she bought into from her upbringing.

Louis jumps back in and says, “Stay in the company of – UP.” Sally chuckled. Her tried and true four-legged companion came through for her once again. Her comment, “My friends are downers, I know what I need to do.” Now feeling “UP” she had the courage to say goodbye to what and who were not healthy for her.

Not everyone has quick results as Sally did or is able to sustain them. And that is why the critters and I are available for tweaking and reminders!

The Present

A gift from Franklin, a “Golden” retriever

A present during the holidays is a package to unwrap, a gift, temporary, yet enjoyable. My present to you is to live in each precious moment. Living in the moment brings a feeling of being eternal, as is I and us. Living in each moment fully brings an understanding to life that brings greater awareness and understanding. Enjoy each “present” moment ― is “Golden,” a continual gift of Love.

Symbolism of the Nativity Scene Animals

Over and over the nativity scene came to my mind. I questioned why? I heard, “Bring the animals in the nativity scene to life.”

I have a habit when wanting to understand the symbolism of an animal, I go straight to my book, Animal-Speak. As I picked up my book I felt a pull to the computer. I was drawn to Wikipedia searching “nativity scene.”

I found that “Saint Francis of Assisi (known as the patron saint of animals) is credited with creating the first nativity scene in 1223. It was a living nativity.

I looked further down the page and found “Animals in nativity scenes.” With no basis in the canonical narratives of the birth of Jesus, an ox and ass are usually part of the nativity scene. The tradition may have arised from an extracanonical text, the Pseudo-Matthew gospel of the 8th century:  ”And on the third day after the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, Mary went out of the cave, and, entering a stable, placed the child in a manger, and an ox and an ass adored him.” Then was fulfilled that which was said by the prophet Isaiah, “The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master’s crib. Therefore, the animals, the ox and the ass, with him in their midst incessantly adored him.” Then was fulfilled that which was said by Habakkuk the prophet, saying, “Between two animals you are made manifest.”  In a 1415, Corpus Christi celebration, the Ordo paginarum notes that Jesus was lying between an ox and an ass.” Read the rest of this entry

You Want ___ .

Dante, a tabby female cat expressed, “Books teach a lot. The heart teaches more. Frustrations come from not being true to yourself.  When your feet are on the ground and you feel you are high on a mountain, you want______.” (Finish the sentence.)

When you state your desires out loud or in writing, you attain energy and give life to creativity, and turn your goals and wishes into reality.

A few statements:

* I would want to fly with the angels and feel as light as air and pain free………aaaaahhhh ..Amen Dante

* When my feet are on the ground and I feel like I’m high on my mountain, I want: To be a loving presence to every being I meet, to the land in every place I go, and in every situation I encounter. Obviously a lifelong work in progress 🙂 but it’s good to have goals, and this is one I hold dear.   Thank you for your newsletters and inspiration.    Many blessings, Julie Payne-Funk * Fly!

* Enlightenment. That is what I want in this lifetime.

* Nothing…..Melissa Sue Olvitt

Hannah’s Therapy Work

Hannah is a Husky German Shepherd mix therapy dog. Her person Kate expressed, “Hannah looks into my eyes and I know she is trying to tell me something.  I feel as if I am disconnected from my pets.” Hannah replied, “The reason you do not connect with me is because you are disconnected with yourself. Spend time with you; discover yourself more deeply, you have forgotten who you are. You are safe to do so.  This is therapy work.”

I suggested Kate make a list of Hannah’s qualities. This would give her insights about herself. We may not recognize our special, wonderful qualities. And there are traits we may choose to change!  I find this process fascinating while working with my clients.

Pet Parent Therapy

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One-Month-Old Kitten

My husband John and I were staying in a hotel on our way to Indiana for a family reunion to celebrate my mother’s 85th birthday. The next morning a voice message on my cell phone said, “This is Stacy, I am up, you can reach me.” I had not sent a text or voice message that night or the day before, and had no idea who Stacy was.

After calling Stacy I discovered I knew her. Good memories of spending time at her home and at my son’s home came flooding back. She explained she had received a text from me the night before which came from my 540 phone number saying, ”Are you up?” My 540 number is my land line which I cannot text from, plus I was not at home to text if it were possible. Since her text was not accepted she retrieved my 703 cell number from my home line voice message. When she called my cell with no answer, she left her voice message, “I am up, you can reach me.”

My first thought was, “What is going on in your life Stacy?” She returned, “Well, since I have you, I just rescued a one-month-old kitten where I work with health issues. My friends think I should put the kitten down.”  We addressed the physical issues with the kitten. She had a chance of survival, but the quality of life for this kitten was questionable. I also asked if Stacey would be able to manage the care of a baby kitten, with feedings, and dealing with extreme health issues. Stacy had other challenging relationships she was dealing with and a full time job. A thought popped into my head – ask Stacy if she would like to address what this kitten was reflecting in her own life.  A big “Yes” returned.

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Funnies From Our Furry Friends

Park Time!

A dog who is normally playing in a park across the street from his home was now looking out the window focused on this park. We were in a communication, and park time had been delayed. His person told him after one hour, when his communication finished, she would take him to the park. I was not aware that our communication was at his park time, or of the spoken one hour delay.  We were having a good communication, then suddenly he announced, “We are done!” I looked at my timer – it was exactly 60 minutes!

A Tail of a Story!

After receiving a basic description about a cat I was to communicate with, The cat said to me, “Ask about my tail.”  The person I was speaking with paused and said, “Oh, I am sitting on it!

“I am trying to make a point here!”

A Golden Retriever named Brady began our communication stating, “We have been waiting for you!”  (The you – was me.)

He shares, “My person gets nervous, I feed off her nervousness and she feeds off mine. She gets “high” nervousness from her work which is not as important as she thinks.”  She agreed. Her nerves had taken over her life, especially at work.

Brady explained, “Stress is a way people have learned to use to cope. A high alert. Do the opposite – be still, calm, observe, then act when needed.”

Brady blurts, “I am trying to make a point here!”

In some communications I become aware of time frames in a person’s life that are significant to a message. In this case, the first time frame brought to my attention was that when Brady’s person was 4 years old when her great grandmother died. This is where her learned stress began; it was her earliest memory. At 21 years old she was in a difficult relationship and again at 34 years old when a good friend suddenly died in her presence. All stressful. Stress had become the norm as she lived and thought of the past, future, and present for big and small reasons.

The communication continued giving ways to help shift this stressful reflex and habit for both two and four footed. A few were: exercise, use essences like Rescue Remedy or other types that naturally calm the nerves. Live in the moment and always ask for support from the Universe, God, angles, what you believe in. Brady emphasized to enjoy life and to be true to whom?   YOU!

Let’s Play A Game

A Newfoundland named Hamilton expresses his views with his person:

“You use me as an excuse not to do the things you would like to do. Because of this you have now forgotten what you like. Let’s play a game. What would my life be like if you liked your life more? You want me to be happy. I want you to be happy and I will be happy. You want love in your life? To love yourself brings love to your life. You lit a candle for me when I died. Blow it out and light a candle for you. I will love you forever, and ever, and ever, even if you find another love, and you will.”

Hamilton then expressed. “Teaching. Not about imposing beliefs on others. Share, and support them to discover their own.”  

Much was said in the few sentences Hamilton shared. I suggest rereading his words and take them to heart.

Special Moments

My client asked me what her dog, a Chow named Max, enjoyed and did not. A vision came to my mind. She was comfortably sitting on a couch with wine glass in hand and her husband in an easy chair with a short glass. I heard sounds in the back ground, I prefaced it was music. Max was on the floor next to them. My client was delightfully surprised with the details her dog proceed to share. Max had described hubby and her evening ritual after work. She partakes of wine and hubby enjoys a mixed drink. Their time together relaxing, listening to music, sharing their day and doting on Max is a special time they make happen every day. And apparently Max enjoys this time too!

Max then shared he sleeps to the right of the bed on the floor.  He did not like the light on him at night. My client chuckled and promised she would remove the night light from the plugin next to him.

Point made: Take time to relax and enjoy ourselves and others.  If one has irritants or upsets, take action.

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