Happy is Happy and Sad is Sad

Happy is happy and sad is sad.  One cannot fool an animal which one you are.  I have heard many say, I’m fine, okay, I am making my way.  This is not truly happy. Happy is a state of the mind. And it is possible to be happy in spite of what one is experiencing or sees.

A terrier named Scout said, “Keep doing it (being happy) — you will get it and it will be close to the way of life I like to live innately. We mirror you because you are the ones we look up to, and it is our job to show you who you truly are being. We are also the ones who are trying to show you it is important to be happy. It is simple:  To be happy is active, not passive. Also, happiness is not always what “you” thought happy would be for you….following innate happiness can lead one to something better than you thought it could be.”

Purple People Eater

An interesting thing has happened on my way through the past several months.  I have been sharing more deliberate information that speaks not only of thinking out of the box in which we live, but living outside of the box.  Life is taking on a new paradigm.  I have read about this from many sources, the animals speak of it, and most importantly, I feel it in my bones. I am learning to embrace an easier, trusting way of living―living in the present.

I find circumstances that used to bother or upset me, do not. A big one is―there are close people in my life that may be passing over. Now and then I feel a tinge of fear or grief, but then quickly go to what the other side is about and I become happy for them―sometimes, I wish could be there too.  To not fear death, it has been said, is the end of all fears.  Yet I have more to learn.

In the past few days I have had important emails disappear.  I spent many an hour looking for them, not to be found.  I asked for guidance, and from my spiritual ear, I heard: Purple People Eater.  (Yes, you read that correctly.)  An inquisitive smile came to my face.  And I thought I was going to write a message from an animal.  I got the Purple People Eater!  I guess in some form this purple beast could be associated with the animal kingdom, or not!

I researched Purple People Eater.  The words come from a song from 1958, a silly whimsical fun song. The short version of what this message meant to me:  lighten up, have fun.  The color purple is associated with the higher realms, let it consume or eat my mucky energy.  All will work out fine in spite of losing my emails.  And it did.

Another version:  Don’t be eaten up by the Purple People Eater, or don’t let obstacles in life eat you up.  The lost emails were consuming me.

Pearls of Wisdom

An eleven year old Rhodesian Ridge Back gave good advice to her person wanting to fix her married son’s life.  “Giving people pearls of wisdom is good. Making them eat it is not!”  As I held back the laughter my client grew quiet.

How many can put their hands up on giving advice?

Her Rhodesian Ridge Back then gave her a helping paw. “Listen and ask questions to the son to stimulate his own thinking to support him in finding the answers that suit him best.”

Nectar or Negativity

As I walked through my neighborhood, a buzzing sound brought my attention to a flowering tree filled with fragrance. Bees were enjoying sweet flowing nectar. Symbiotic, bees enjoying tree’s gift, and tree enjoying bee’s gift of song and pollination, a sweet relationship. My mind spirals… to be like a bee, to simply be. Simplicity brings the state of being to me.

In the state of being, one is aware of and is naturally drawn to sweetness. Like a bee to nectar, allow one’s self to be drawn to a sweet life.

I no longer pay attention to lack or troubles from the media or people. Why? One begins believing the messages they fed us and begins living that life.  It is our choice….eat of nectar or negativity.

Animal Messages From January 2011 Communications

1) Release your grip from the past.

2) Are you sabotaging your nourishment from food, love, happiness?

3) Get your ass out of the chair and make your house a home. (Apply this message to business, projects, family and more.)

4) When your gut says NO, say NO.  Know logic does not apply!

5) I need a leader; you need a leader―the leader is you.

6) Practice you.

Animal Messages From 2010

1. Live in the moment

2. When you love, respect, have patience, are confident and trust yourselves, it helps us tremendously.

3. From pack animals―We love to be with you. You need to teach and socialize us so that we can be what you need us to be. If we behave and know what the rules are, you are more likely to take us with you.

4. We are animals, treat us like an animal. We are not a child or a toy. We like dirt, sticks, trees, grass, lots of exercise, training and socializing to fit into your world.

3. Allow your feelings or emotions help with making decisions. When it feels good, it is good. Then use your brain to analyze how.  We trust our instincts, trust yours.

5. We are simple thinking; do not over think our behavior, give us simple, clear guidance.

6. Taking care of yourselves, ultimately, doing so will help us too.  When you see us look at you with meaningful eyes, it is not always about us, at times, it is about you.  Look at your life and see if it is reflecting onto us.

7. Breathe fully, breathe in life, doing so helps calm oneself and see life more clearly.

8. Play, play, play.  Don’t take life so seriously.

9. Take time to smell other animals pee or poo.  (I will translate. Take time to smell the roses.)

10. What you “think” the New Year will be, is what it will be. Think wisely.

Larry’s Lessons From Beyond

Misty, a black and gray American short hair cat had passed three years ago.  Larry, her person, knew I communicated with deceased animals and that deceased people make themselves known when in conversation with the animal.

Misty was originally his mother’s cat. When Mom passed dad took care of Misty and after Dad passed it was Larry’s turn. Three people, in two generations, were threaded together by means of a cat. On this day, once again they were a family, and I was invited to the party… how lucky am I!

Larry wanted to hear from Misty and receive advice from his father whom he greatly respected. Larry was looking to make a job change. He was ready to take his talents to another level.

Misty said that I should walk with my head held high and have confidence in myself and my abilities. When I project confidence and optimism it will be reflected back to me. This attitude would support him in finding a new job.

When Larry asked his father for guidance I hesitated to tell Larry what I heard from Herb. It seemed offensive to me. I then realized it was to make a point. Herb answered with a firm tone: Don’t you remember anything I taught you? You know what to do. Larry was silent for a moment. He replied with a lower voice than usual and a bit goaded, “Do what feels good. Dad, you always told me to do what feels good.”

After our session Larry asked if I receive more information from his father to please call him. His father came to me the next morning. Herb wanted to emphasize to Larry that that it is okay to be successful and happy and to practice feeling how it would feel. Larry had been the caretaker of Mom, Dad and Misty. It was now Larry’s turn to nurture himself and follow his dreams. At the last moment Herb expounds, “Oh, and exercise!” I got a chuckle from Larry when I shared Herbs last statement.

Finding Lost Pets

How to Provide Recovery Tips That Save Lives   By Kathy “Kat” Albrecht

There is a science to finding lost people. Professional trained searchers don’t wander aimlessly in the woods when searching for a missing hiker. Instead, an organized search plan is implemented based on the knowledge of the behavioral patterns of lost people. For example, backpackers behave differently when lost and travel different distances than do hunters, berry pickers, and Alzheimer’s patients. And because search-and-rescue mangers are so familiar with these patterns of behavior, they can accurately predict where a lost person will be found. Backpackers are typically found on or near an established trail, hunters are typically found deep in the woods, and Alzheimer’s patients are typically found within a ¼ mile radius of where they became lost.

So what do we know about the behavioral patterns of lost pets? Thanks to Missing Pet Partnership, a grassroots nonprofit organization, we know that the three most common lost pet recovery tips that we give (place a classified Ad in the paper, post flyers in your neighborhood, and visit the local animal shelter every day) are not always the best pieces of advice! That’s because dogs are much different than cats. The methods that should be used to search for a lost dog, an outdoor-access cat that has vanished from its territory, and an indoor-only cat that has escaped outside are all entirely different methods. Dogs travel and are picked up by rescuers who determine their fate, the disappearance of an outdoor-access cat means that something has happened to interrupt that cat’s behavior of coming home, and indoor-only cats that escape outdoors hide in silence near their escape point. And it is not only the behaviors of lost dogs and cats that have been overlooked – the behaviors of the people who lose their pets and the behaviors of the people who find those lost pets impact the chances that a lost pet will be returned home.

Understanding these human and animal behaviors will increase the likelihood that lost pets will be found. Here is what we know so far:

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Living Well, Dying Well…

An urgent call came from Kate, her cat Strawberry, a short haired orange tabby, was attacked by a dog. Strawberry’s broken back resulted in being paralyzed and oxygen dependent. When our communication started Strawberry had her own agenda. This cat of loving character was about to give her person some wise advise. She not only loved her person but loved and lived her own life fully. Strawberry profoundly stated she wanted Kate to forgive the dog. She reminded Kate of the many small animals she had attacked and not only wounded but killed. The instincts of animals, the cycle of life, is respected. Strawberry had a loving, caring home for warmth and food as well as enjoyed outside adventures in the wooded land she explored. In the book Do Less, Achieve More by Chin-ning Chu it is written: “Only in living well can one learn how to die.” However, in order to live well, one must conquer the fear of living, which is rooted in the fear of death.” As an animal communicator, I help people understand the animals experience leaving their bodies, why the animals passing is in divine order, purpose of the animal and persons time together, helping people let go of their companion and support closure. Animals bring personal growth to our lives. At times the experiences with our animals may not seem pleasant, yet these experiences should be honored.

Below is an excellent example of living well and dying well.

As I was listening to Noreen share how she experienced the life and passing of her dog, Bailey Sue, I was amazed with her composure and wisdom. I asked if she would share her experience and beliefs on living and dying to give knowledge and comfort to those who read her words. Thank you Noreen.

I was thinking about what you said about how I am with Bailey Sue’s passing.  Although I am sad, I truly feel peaceful. In order for me to have peace whether an animal or person I love passes, I must be clear on a few things. One is that this passage/transition is theirs and to let this manifest in the way it needs to be for them. It is completely their journey and I am just a witness to this. Another is to have done or said what I needed to do so there are no regrets. And in Bailey Sue’s case to tend her in the best way I knew how. For me living this last piece, which included dying, can be done in the same way that you have always lived with that being. For us that included lots of fun, laughter, tears, friends, kisses, and love. Being with someone up to the very last breath can be just as sweet and lovely as being with them in health.
