One-Month-Old Kitten

My husband John and I were staying in a hotel on our way to Indiana for a family reunion to celebrate my mother’s 85th birthday. The next morning a voice message on my cell phone said, “This is Stacy, I am up, you can reach me.” I had not sent a text or voice message that night or the day before, and had no idea who Stacy was.

After calling Stacy I discovered I knew her. Good memories of spending time at her home and at my son’s home came flooding back. She explained she had received a text from me the night before which came from my 540 phone number saying, ”Are you up?” My 540 number is my land line which I cannot text from, plus I was not at home to text if it were possible. Since her text was not accepted she retrieved my 703 cell number from my home line voice message. When she called my cell with no answer, she left her voice message, “I am up, you can reach me.”

My first thought was, “What is going on in your life Stacy?” She returned, “Well, since I have you, I just rescued a one-month-old kitten where I work with health issues. My friends think I should put the kitten down.”  We addressed the physical issues with the kitten. She had a chance of survival, but the quality of life for this kitten was questionable. I also asked if Stacey would be able to manage the care of a baby kitten, with feedings, and dealing with extreme health issues. Stacy had other challenging relationships she was dealing with and a full time job. A thought popped into my head – ask Stacy if she would like to address what this kitten was reflecting in her own life.  A big “Yes” returned.

Stacy, with open heart, pockets and time, repeatedly tries to help others. Learning to say ”No” or simply encouraging others to be responsible for their own actions would be a big step. Changing a pattern in life takes awareness to recognize when old beliefs or patterns creep in. Stacy claimed she was ready, she had to, she was miserable.

The information I am about to share may be out of the box for some. Yet, I offer this information.  You discern for yourself.

The kitten’s shoulder was hurt. Reflection – Stacy was caring not only her own but other peoples’ burdens on her shoulders.

The front right leg could not be used because of nerve damage. The damaged leg represented moving forward, fear of the future, not wanting to move forward. When life seems miserable, it is understandable not to want to look at, or move into the future. It appears there is more misery to experience.

Stacy’s life had become complicated. Another reflection of the multiple health issues of the kitty. Stacey was trying to fix and analyze what she thought others would want of her. At times she tried to control others to behave differently so she would not have to go through her relationship dance. This was not a win-win, this path had become a lose-lose.

Nerves in the kitten’s leg had been damaged due to an injury. In Louise Hay’s book Heal Your Body, nerves represent communication, receptive reporters. Hopefully, Stacy is ready and willing to receive favorably. Giving and receiving in balance brings balance and harmony.  Living life trusting the flow of inner knowing, a form of communication giving guidance, brings peace and harmony.

Not trusting the process of life – at times one may have to go through difficult times to learn and grow. These times can be difficult for loved ones to witness and therefor they will want to help or fix whatever is wrong. Offering help to others, without being forced or controlled, and supporting them to find solutions that are best for them, not for the sake of what the helper wants, can bring success on both sides. And for some, it is easier to help or fix others than looking at or being responsible for one’s own happiness in life.

When one is happy, truly feeling good inside, the gems that come innately, seemingly un-explainable, magically touch self and others.

As I was writing this letter, Stacy called. The one-month-old kitty’s health worsened. Stacy made the decision to help her pass over. She also discovered she had my cell # as my home # and my home # as my cell #.  This information helped us understand some of the confusion but it does not address who sent the text message!

This little kitty is now fresh and new in a happy, beautiful existence. Reflection – A fresh and new life for Stacey moving into a happy beautiful existence.

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